• Asharqia Chamber displays Qatif Technology is a leading experiment in self employment before the students.


    ​Asharqia Chamber represented by small and medium enterprise development center within the program (Riadion) on Wednesday, April 272 016  organizes a visit to the Technical College in Qatif, which will review a successful practical commercial experiment of one of the pioneers.
    Entrepreneur Mohammed bin Abdullah Kahul speaks during the meeting in front of a number of college students about his experience in the field of self employment, where he mentions the challenges he faced in his career, and the way he used to be able to achieve success, and continue his career.
    As part of the visit program, the small and medium enterprises Center presents a public lecture for self employment, which reviews the activities and events provided by the center that aim at the development of these establishment and raising the level of self employment culture.
    Worth mentioing that the "Raadion" program aims to spread self employment culture among young students of universities, colleges and institutes in the region, and to reach them in their places to plant the self employment culture early, and the conversion of the student from job searcher to job opportunities maker.

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